S. No.                                                   EXPERIMENTS
 1.To Study of compound microscope.  
2. To Study the General techniques for the collection of blood.  
3. To Study the Microscopic examination of Epithelial tissue by prepared slides.
4. To study the microscopic structure of muscular tissue by prepared slides.  
5. To Study the Microscopic examination of Connective tissue by prepared slides.
6. To Study the Microscopic examination of Nervous tissue by prepared slides.  
7. To Study the Human Skeleton-Axial skeleton using specimen or charts.  
8. To Study the Human Skeleton- appendicular skeleton using specimen.  
9. To determine my blood group using slide agglutination method.  
10. To determine the ESR of the given blood sample.
11. To determine the hemoglobin content of blood by Sahli’s method.  
12. To determine the bleeding time of blood sample (Duck’s method).  
13. To Study the determination of Clotting time.  
14. To determine the WBC count of your blood and report.  
15. To determine the RBC count of your blood sample and report.  
16. To Study the determination of differential count of blood.  
17. To determine the blood pressure of the own by palpatory and auscultatory methods.  
18. To measure the blood pressure by using a before and after exertion.
19. To record the Body temp. (using mercury, digital and IR thermometers).
20. To determine the pulse rate and heart rate of the own and report.   
21. To record the Pulse Oxygen (before and after exertion).  
22. To record the force of air expelled using Peak Flow Meter.  
23. To measure the height, weight and BMI.  
24. To study the cardiovascular system with the help of specimens.
25. To Study the respiratory system with the help of chart or specimens.  
26. To Study the digestive system with the help of chart or specimens.  
27. To Study the Eye with the help of chart or specimens.  
28. To Study the urinary system with the help of chart or specimens.  
29. To Study the endocrine system with the help of chart or specimens.  
30.To Study the nervous system with the help of chart or specimens.  
31. To Study the Ear with the help of chart or specimens.  
32. To Study the Skin with the help of chart or specimens.