Unit I                                


Definition, general concepts and scope of marketing; Distinction between marketing & selling; Marketing environment; Industry and competitive analysis; Analyzing consumer buying behavior; industrial buying behavior.

Pharmaceutical market:

Quantitative and qualitative aspects; size and composition of the market; demographic descriptions and socio-psychological characteristics of the consumer; market segmentation& targeting.Consumer profile; Motivation and prescribing habits of the physician; patients’ choice of physician and retail pharmacist.Analyzing the Market;Role of market research.

Unit II     

Product decision:

Classification,   product   line   and   product   mix   decisions,   product    life cycle,product portfolio analysis; product positioning; New product decisions; Product branding, packaging and labeling decisions, Product management in pharmaceutical industry.

Unit III 


Methods, determinants of promotional mix, promotional budget; An overview of personal selling, advertising, direct mail, journals, sampling, retailing, medical exhibition, public relations, online promotional techniques for OTC Products.

Unit IV     

Pharmaceutical marketing channels:

Designing channel, channel members, selecting the appropriate channel, conflict in channels, physical distribution management: Strategic importance, tasks in physical distribution management.

Professional sales representative (PSR):

Duties of PSR, purpose of detailing, selection and training, supervising, norms for customer calls, motivating, evaluating, compensation and future prospects of the PSR.

Unit V         


Meaning, importance, objectives, determinants of price; pricing methods and strategies, issues in price management in pharmaceutical industry. An overview of DPCO (Drug Price Control Order)and NPPA (National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority).

Emerging concepts in marketing:

Vertical & Horizontal Marketing; Rural Marketing; Consumerism; Industrial Marketing; Global Marketing.