CH- 6.3 D Pharm Pharmacology

Topic: Hematinic agents

Agents which improve the quality of the blood, increasing the hemoglobin level and the number of erythrocytes. They are used in the treatment of anemias. 

Classification of hematinics:

1) Drugs used in anemias:

a) Drugs used in iron deficiency anemia:

i) iron preparations

ii) copper

iii) cobalt

iv) pyridoxin

v) riboflavin

b) drugs used in megaloblastic anemias:

i) Vit B-12

ii) Folic acid

iii) Vitamin C

2) Hematopoietic growth factors:

a) Erythropoetin

b) Myeloid growth factors: G-CSF (filgrastim), GM-CSF (sargramostim), Pegfilgrastim

c) Megakaryocyte growth factors: Interleukin -11 (oprelvekin), Thrombopoetin