Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy

Chapter -1
Hospital Pharmacy
Definition, scope, national and international scenario.
Organisational structure.
Professional responsibilities, Qualifications and experience requirements, job specifications,
workload requirements and interprofessional relationships.
Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) in hospital.
Hospital Pharmacy Standards (FIP Basel Statements, AHSP).
Introduction to NAQS guidelines and NABH Accreditation and Role of Pharmacists
Chapter -2
Different Committees in the Hospital
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee – Objectives, Composition, and functions.
Hospital Formulary – Definition, the procedure for development and use of hospital formulary.
Infection Control Committee – Role of Pharmacist in preventing Antimicrobial Resistance
Chapter -3
Supply Chain and Inventory Control
Preparation of Drug lists – High-Risk drugs, Emergency drugs, Schedule H1 drugs, NDPS drugs, reserved antibiotics.
Procedures of Drug Purchases – Drug selection, short the term, long term, and tender/e-tender process, quotations, etc.
Inventory control techniques: Economic Order Quantity, Reorder Quantity Level, Inventory Turnover etc.
Inventory Management of Central Drug Store – Storage conditions, Methods of storage, Distribution, Maintaining Cold Chain, Devices used for cold storage
(Refrigerator, ILR, Walk-in-Cold rooms)
FEFO, FIFO methods.
Expiry drug removal and handling, and disposal.
Disposal of Narcotics, cytotoxic drugs.
Documentation – purchase and inventory
Chapter -4
Drug Distribution
Drug distribution (in-patients and out-patients) – Definition, advantages and disadvantages of individual prescription order method, Floor Stock Method, Unit Dose Drug Distribution Method, Drug Basket Method.
Distribution of drugs to ICCU/ICU/NICU/Emergency wards.
Automated drug dispensing systems and devices.
Distribution of Narcotic and Psychotropic substances and their storage
Chapter -5Compounding in Hospitals. Bulk compounding, IV admixture services and incompatibilities, Total parenteral nutrition
Chapter -6
Radio Pharmaceuticals
Storage, dispensing and disposal of radiopharmaceuticals
Chapter -7Application of computers in Hospital Pharmacy Practice, Electronic health records, Software used in hospital pharmacy
Chapter -8
Clinical Pharmacy
Definition, scope, and development – in India and other countries.
Technical definitions, common terminologies used in clinical settings and their significance such as Paediatrics, Geriatric, Anti-natal Care, Post-natal Care, etc.
Chapter -9
Daily activities of clinical pharmacists
Definition, goal, and procedure of
Ward round participation
Adverse drug reaction monitoring
Medication history
Interprofessional collaboration
Treatment Chart Review
Drug information and poisons information
Patient counselling
Pharmaceutical care: Definition, classification of drug-related problems.
Principles and procedures to provide pharmaceutical care
Chapter – 10
Clinical laboratory tests used in the evaluation of disease states – significance and interpretation of test results
Haematological test
Liver function test
Renal function test
Thyroid function tests
Fluid and electrolyte balance
Tests associated with cardiac disorders
Pulmonary Function Tests
Chapter -11
Types of poisoning: Clinical manifestations and Antidotes
Drugs and Poison Information Centre and their services – Definition, Requirements, Information resources with examples, and their advantages and disadvantages
Chapter -12
Definition, aim and scope
Overview of Pharmacovigilance
Chapter -13
Medication errors
Definition, Types, consequences, and strategies to minimize medication errors, LASA drugs and Tallman lettering as per ISMP
Drug Interactions: Definition, Types, the clinical significance of drug interactions